Simon Arron

This is a first for Lieslieslies. A guest article from Simon Arron, who sadly died last week. Simon was an absolutely fantastic writer and, as a former editor of Motoring News (a role I also once occupied), he was a true inspiration for me.  Below is a piece he wrote for MN’s 50th anniversary edition and every time I read it, I laugh out loud. It is literary gold. I chatted to him just a few months ago and it seems unreal that he has gone. I miss him already. Enjoy.     As you pick up the phone, the…

God will kick down a door for us

This article that I wrote earlier in the year appeared in the latest edition of St Paul’s Ealing church magazine published recently: There’s a song we sing at church and every time I hear the first few bars of it, I wince a little. It’s called Reckless Love and, like many modern church songs, it’s heavy on emotion and light on Biblical exposition, so for an old traditionalist such as myself, I find myself mumbling the words. In particular, there’s a line in this song where it talks about God being prepared to kick down a wall for us, such…